Offended Prisoners

I have in my office an arrow with a sharp tip, a large fishing net, and hoola hoops. No this is not a training ground for the circus. These are tools used to illustrate boundaries, soul woundings, and oppression.            Over the past 22 years these have been used countless times as illustrations when

Pressure Cooker Joy

A number of years ago I was taught the art of using a pressure cooker to can vegetables.  My unlikely teacher was the hermit we had inherited when we moved to the mountain top farm to begin New Direction.  Will had lived on the property for 20 years in a shack.  My canning lesson was

Be Still

One of the single mothers created this art work.  She is  on the cusp of either having rights for her precious two year old daughter given to her or relinquished forever.  It is truly the 11 and ¾ hour of decision.  The hearing is Tuesday morning.                   Several weeks ago I handed her a notecard with this

Walking in Her Footsteps

I, as a mother, have never experienced my children being abducted by their father in violation of a court order. Actually I have never been involved in a court order. I have never had false charges taken out against me by the father of my children resulting in spending a weekend in