This Sure Doesn’t Look Like a Green Pasture!!!!!!!

Once upon a time we lived on a farm.  Whenever possible we would sit on the front porch of the old farmhouse swaddled in serenity as we gazed out upon the green pasture. The best of days were the warm breezy days with birds singing and daisies swaying.

            We also had a herd of sheep. Once given this opportunity to live among and observe our furry friends, the parallel between humans and sheep became clear: both are dependent upon the attentive care of a good Shepherd in order to thrive.

            Sheep are easily frightened. To their detriment they tend to carelessly scatter from even the slightest of provocations. Like we humans, they tenaciously cling to what is familiar.  It is when they begin to trust the voice of their shepherd, the one who attends to them, and experience the beauty of that intimate day by day relationship of being cared for……they can rest. Essentially it is the shepherd’s voice that creates the intimate attachment.  Another voice could enter the sheep pen with a smorgasbord of epicurean delights only to find the flock run away. “Sheep KNOW the voice of their good shepherd.” (John 10:27)

           Whenever I read in Psalm 23, “He makes me lie down in green pastures” that very image of the pastoral setting from our porch downloads into the forefront of my mind and heart.

             I have been pondering about the green pasture as we, like you, have been hemmed in during this season.  While obviously the threat of the plague of Covid-19 is the vehicle being used to call us home to safety, is it possible the Good Shepherd is sovereignly and lovingly using this time to call us back to Him?

              Could it be this is exposing a deeper issue of our distancing from God? 

              It is easy to fool ourselves into believing we live according to “The Lord is my Shepherd. I have all that I need.”  But it is times such as these, when our daily pace and structure is so drastically upended, when the threat of such a deadly disease looms all around and when our financial infrastructure is compromised …….. we realize the possibility we have been living more, independently, as our own sovereign shepherd.

                  It is most interesting that just as Jesus warned his disciples: “a time has come when you will be scattered, each to his own home” so, too, have we each been scattered to our own homes.  Jesus then goes on to tell his disciples “you will leave me all alone.  Yet I am not alone for my Father is with me. I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world” (John 16: 32-33)

                  The greatest tragedy during this time of sheltering is that “we would leave Jesus all alone” and run to our familiar forms of broken cisterns for counterfeit living water.

                  As a counselor it is a great blessing to hear what is happening in the lives of clients during this time.  Of course the adjustment has been difficult for all. BUT here are some of the pearls in process:

                  “I never realized how many idols I have had until this time upended my life.”

                   “I have a peace that the Lord is navigating me through this time.  A year ago I would have been so wrought with worry and fear.  But I trust Him.” 

                  “For the first time ever we are actually living and working together as a real family”. 

                 “One day I was taking a walk worried about the future.  I found my heart lifted as I heard the birds sing and notice the flowers blooming.  I was reminded of what Jesus says (Matthew 6:26-27) about how those birds have not a care in the world because they are cared for by our heavenly Father……..and how much more valuable I am than they”.

                   The Lord has set a table before us in the midst of this darkness. It is the soul satisfying table of the Lord of abundant mercy and grace. The menu is the Living Word of God. It is upon taking in and allowing this spiritual probiotic to take root, we will grow to trust the voice of our Great Shepherd more than ever before.

                   None of us knows what lies next in our lives.  So blessed are we to know the Lord understands we are but humans……….as sheep in need of a Shepherd.  He knows every aspect of every detail of everything.

                    It is natural to feel all types of emotion as you walk through this time:  fear, anger, sadness……It is ok to cry.  Even if you are a man.  There is a God Who cares and longs to be gracious to us.  It is not about being America strong.  It is when we are weak and trust Him and His sovereign plan…..that we are strengthened.  It is about being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

                    Anything and everything……..even a pandemic…….can be used by God for redemptive purposes.  Wherever you are: THIS is your green pasture.  It may not have the aesthetics of a breezy, carefree mountain top setting.  It isn’t about the external setting but about the One Who has called you to “Incline your ear and come to me. Hear that your soul may live.  And I will make with you an everlasting covenant.” (Isaiah 55)   He is the Good Shepherd.

Thank you for walking with us as we all walk together with Him “to the other side”

All of us at Mustard Seed

                    “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I have longed to gather you children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings; but you were not willing.”  (Jesus:   Matt 23:37)