Grace – For All Moments

“Surely wasn’t prepared for this!!!”  I believe everyone of us could attest to this as true of the multi layered challenges of this past year with the all-encompassing issues around the pandemic.  As if that hasn’t been enough add on the heavy weight of the political chaos and the pulsating reverberations from that clashing.  “Even elevators have load limits!!”  We plead mercy and reprieve from the One Who is seated on the throne and has sovereignly allowed all of this unrest.  Although at times it feels as though the clashing of tectonic plates right beneath our feet…thus undermining our sense of peace…..scripture promises “He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.”  Psalm 104:5 

A few years back my husband and I, late comers to having cell phones, found ourselves in that uneasy space of having to learn how to adapt to (what we considered) the foreign language of powerful technology.  We had entered into a dimension unknown to us. One day, realizing we were late in getting the check in the mail to Verizon (we are also ones who have held out to still actually using US Postal Service) we zipped on over to the store to pay.

 I assumed I could walk right in and up to a window to pay my bill……..just like it used to be at department stores back in the day.  To my surprise I was stopped right inside the door by a man with an Ipad.  I told him I just wanted to pay a bill.  He typed in my name, told me to have a seat; that I would be called when there was an opening available.  After a while I was called over to a man at a kiosk who asked my name as well as my password.  “My password?  I don’t have a password. I just want to pay my bill.”  “Ma’am, I cannot allow you to pay your bill without your password”  “I can’t just write a check out? I don’t have a password.  When would I have been given a password.?”  With a roll of the eyes he replied, “ It would have been you who gave a password when you opened up the account.”  

 At this point I felt my face redden. Anxiety was rising. I have no doubt the veins in my neck were sticking out.  The salesman must have realized I was sinking beneath the water line. He asked if I could verify my identity by showing my driver’s license. He left for a bit and came back with a sticky note attached to his palm. Leaning into me so nobody but I could see the contents of the note, he said “this is your password ma’am.”  I read the words: GRACE!   My password was grace!  Exactly what I needed for the moment was GRACE! I had totally forgotten about grace.

This experience has stayed forever etched upon my soul. It was such a teachable moment that, in reality, expands into all moments; for when we are saved, we have been given a grace that enables us to live with an all-surpassing power that is ours through Christ Jesus.  And that grace is sufficient for ALL of our needs whatever the season of calm or of adversity.  Grace is the great equalizer that enables us to live out of the overflow of total provision.  We just simply lose focus and get hit with gospel amnesia at times.

We will only find temporary rest and relief from the things of this world.  God has a way of using the centrifugal force of difficult circumstances to unearth the counterfeit props to which we lean for security.  It is a consistent lesson as we journey forward from strength to strength with our security being in Jesus Christ.  It has been a great blessing to watch this year -long pressure used in the lives of the single mothers for good.  There has been a greater leaning in and trusting the Lord to where they can testify, “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress.  I will never be shaken.”  Psalm 62

Many of you have sown into the lives of women and children whom you have never met, personally.  Thank you for your investment into their lives.  Although they know they have, providentially, been cared for by the Lord……they understand He uses His people to sustain His work.

Every gap of need throughout this pandemic, has been filled for the families, whether it be rent, utilities, emergency vehicle repair and replacement, house in need of repair, groceries, emotional support, emergency dental. What maybe was, at one time, intellectually believed regarding Jesus’ words about the birds of the air and how our Heavenly Father feeds them………and how much more valuable are we than they (Matt 6:26-27) was proven true and pierced through unbelief during this unprecedented season of unrest.  Nothing more rewarding than to see it click from the brain to the heart.

Whenever you begin to feel anxiety rising………….don’t forget GRACE……and the Giver of Grace…….and His peace will descend and expand.


All of us at the Mustard Seed Project